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In the gaming industry, TOGED LAW BOARD, consisting of experienced names in the field of informatics, technology, trade, companies, and contract law, especially in game law, was established and started to work.

Dr. Mete Tevetoğlu (Chairman of TOGED Law Board)

Lawyer Barlas Ömür (Member of TOGED Law Board)

Lawyer İrem Cengiz (Member of TOGED Law Board)

Lawyer Asena Ömür (Member of TOGED Law Board)

The Board, which is composed of experienced lawyers, has TOGED on the issues of gaming, e-commerce, publishing, intellectual and industrial rights, payment services, digital taxation, e-sports, game investments, incorporation, providing current and future relations and communication with all domestic and foreign public institutions and organizations in legal matters. was appointed by our Board of Directors to provide legal support on a completely voluntary basis.

We wish our Law Board success in their duties and studies, and we would like to inform all our members on this occasion.



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